Recently, I have to write a report in French, so I need to type accented characters, including "ê". On a french keyboard, one has to type the "dead key" "^" and then the key for "e". But when I did so in Texmaker, I only got the "e", not "ê", as if I did not push on the dead key "^". It was pretty general, since I could not even get the accent alone like in "\^{e}" or on any other letter â, û, î, ô, etc. Since everything was working fine on all other applications, it must be a Texmaker problem.
To make a long story, full of googling and forum and tials and errors, short, I discovered that is was a conflict between Qt (the graphical layer powering the interface of Texmaker) and ibus, the input method switcher I was using to write either in French or in Japanese.
The workaround I found was to install another input method switcher: fcitx.
Now I confess, this blog post is more a note for me to remember the procedure. But it may help others.
So, things are explained on this page.
- One need to have fcitx and fcitx-mozc installed
- Type in the terminal im-config and select fcitx, validate
- reboot (closing the session is not sufficient)
- A keyboard icon shows up (on top bar for me). Right click, configure. Ask for your default keyboard (French for me). Validate and close.
- Right click again on the keyboard icon, configure. Now you have access to all input methods, including mozc. Add mozc.
- Selecting mosc on the list, click on the bottom icon showing some tools. In the menu, select the layout of your physical keyboard (French AZERTY for me). Validate and close.
- Disable ibus for Gnome
sudo dpkg-divert --package im-config --rename /usr/bin/ibus-daemon
- Reboot
- Type in the terminal im-config and select fcitx, validate
- Reboot
- (maybe) Enable back ibus for Gnome
sudo dpkg-divert --package im-config --rename --remove /usr/bin/ibus-daemon
- Reboot